When hints don’t work anymore, you might as well whisper the idea directly to her/him!
Use our ‘Love Note’ feature to suggest a gift idea to the person of your choice. Act as if you were surprised, he/she will not see a thing!
User instructions
1 - Choose your favorite jewel
2 - Click on the tiny heart enveloppe
3 - Fill in the right column with the name of the person you want to suggest the idea to, his/her email address, your name and email address, as well as the occasion for which you’d like to receive your jewel (birthday, Christmas, Valentine’s Day,…)
4 - Click on ‘Send’ !
And we're off!
You just need to wait now...
The happy addressee will receive a message like that one.
A case of love at first sight?
Test our ‘Love Note’ feature now